Urban Search
and Rescue (USAR).
See our technical programs
USAR General Programs
Applicable to all team members:
INSARAG Awareness, Humanitarian Code of Conduct, International Disaster Response Ethics
USAR Command Programs
- USAR Coordination
- Application of ICMS - EXCON
- Application of ICMS – RDC / UCC
- Application of ICMS – Assessment / Rescue Squad Commanders
- Application of ICMS – Planning / Operations Officers
- USAR Operations Planning
- Safety & Security
- USAR RPAS (Drone) Operations
USAR Logistics Programs
- USAR Logistics: Warehouse, Base of Operations (BOO), Field
- USAR Logistics: Warehouse
- USAR Logistics: Base of Operations
- USAR Logistics: Field
USAR Medical Programs
- USAR - Covid-19
- USAR Medic
- USAR Medic - Refresher
- USAR Medic Manager
- Rope Rescue – USAR Medic
- Confined Space – USAR Medic
USAR SAR Programs
- Assessment Search and Rescue (ASR)
- USAR Commanders (Team leaders [Deputy] / Component Commanders)
- Rescue Squad Commanders
- USAR Technician Foundation Course
- USAR Technician Refresher Course
- Search Methodologies
- Rope Rescue - USAR
- Shoring
- Rigging, Pulling, Lifting
- Wood Chainsaw
- Trench Rescue
- Hot Metal Cutting
- USAR Confined Space
- Patient Extrication & Packaging
USAR Engineering
USAR Engineers
USAR Search K9 Programs
- Search Dog Handlers and Dogs
- Search Dog Kennelling and Welfare
- Search Dog Emergency Care
- Search Dog Emergency Care - Refresher
This service offering has been refined over years of successfully delivering international, multi-year, multi-disciplinary USAR capacity development projects. Each course within the discipline-specific program is available as a stand-a-lone offering. This enables our valued clients to select exactly what they require.
Dependant upon whether it’s a new team looking to develop a nationally / internationally deployable USAR capacity, or an already established USAR team looking to undergo an INSARAG External Classification / Reclassification (IEC/R), DART offers a uniquely customizable solution.
All the above-mentioned courses are also available as workshops.
Strict instructor / participant ratios are applied to:
- Ensure maximum participant safety
- Maximise the learning opportunity
- Maximise hands-on practical experience
- Reduce amount of time a student is idle during practical training sessions
- Align with international best practice