
One of the most critical actions in efficient disaster response is the early establishment of a disaster coordination centre.

Our Disaster Response Coordination services include:

Emergency Operations Centres (EOC):

Emergency Operation Centers (EOCs) are the core of emergency response coordination and management. Ranging from dedicated, permanent high-tech centres to temporary facilities that are “ stood-up” in response a crises. They are multi-agency centres, which serve as the collection point of information, which, through data analysis, is distilled into intelligence to guide critical, real-time decision making to optimise a coordinated, integrated response.

Exercising Reception Departure Centre (RDC):

The RDC is a United Nations disaster response coordination tool set up at points of entry into the disaster affected country. Staffed by members of INSARAG classified USAR teams, the RDC assists the local affected government with the coordination of arriving international response teams and relief items.

Exercising USAR Coordination Cell (UCC):

The UCC is a United Nations disaster response coordination, staffed by members of INSARAG classified USAR teams, to support the local affected government with the coordination of USAR operations carried out by international response teams.

Let us assist you with a Disaster Response strategy.

Welcome to DART Solutions. We understand you are required to consistently deliver results in an ever increasingly complex, time and finance constrained environment, being expected to do more, sooner, with less. DART is here to help you get it done right, on time and within budget. DART focuses on providing unique, customised solutions because your requirements are unique.

DART is not a mainstream training business, nor do we intend to be. There are a multitude of businesses offering off-the-shelf products and packages. This is not the space we choose to operate in. DART operates at the sharp end of the sharp end. We are highly specialised, having a laser-focus on delivering our core business, emergency response capacity development, exceptionally well. When you have very real risks with the potential for catastrophic consequences, DART is your ‘go to’.

Welcome to DART Solutions. We understand you are required to consistently deliver results in an ever increasingly complex, time and finance constrained environment, being expected to do more, sooner, with less. DART is here to help you get it done right, on time and within budget. DART focuses on providing unique, customised solutions because your requirements are unique.

DART is not a mainstream training business, nor do we intend to be. There are a multitude of businesses offering off-the-shelf products and packages. This is not the space we choose to operate in. DART operates at the sharp end of the sharp end. We are highly specialised, having a laser-focus on delivering our core business, emergency response capacity development, exceptionally well. When you have very real risks with the potential for catastrophic consequences, DART is your ‘go to’.

DART has achieved consistent growth year-on-year, in an economically constrained environment where cut-outs and cut-backs continue to reach unprecedented levels. We have only managed to achieve this growth because we hold you, our most valued customers, at the centre of what we do. We rely on technology to manage our business but not our relationships. We believe in personalised service. Our greatest asset is the exceptional people who work with us. They bring decades of skill, knowledge and experience to our customers, delivered professionally, respectfully and enthusiastically. Without exception, they love what they do!

We also know that your time is very valuable and that you have choices. So, THANK YOU, for investing some of your valuable time in getting to know us a little better. We would love to get to know you so please feel very welcome to contact us.

Trevor Glass