Tropical cyclones (TC’s) are rapidly rotating storms characterized by a low-pressure center (eye), very strong sustained winds, heavy rain and/or squalls. Occurring in the tropical / subtropical northern (anti-clockwise rotation) and southern (clockwise rotation) hemispheric belts, they are referred to differently depending on where they are: Hurricanes over the North Atlantic Ocean and Northeast Pacific, Typhoons over the Northwest Pacific Ocean and Tropical Cyclones over the South Pacific and Indian Ocean. These annually occurring seasonal storms, categorised 1-5 and given a unique name, cause devastating, widespread damage to property, injury and death costing millions. There is a consensus among the scientific community that the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones is increasing.
While there have been significant advancements in the early warning and preparation for TC’s, it is not possible to completely eliminate the risks. Therefore, there needs to be a robust, well-trained and equipped response capacity able to mobilise rapidly in the wake of a TC.
From experience gained in deploying to multiple high profile TC’s, DART’s SME’s have designed and developed a scalable, customisable TC Preparedness and Response Programme, which can be delivered to volunteer community groups through to professional responders. As is the case with all major sudden onset disasters, spontaneous community response plays a vital SAR role in the immediate aftermath. This novel, scalable, theoretical and practical, blended learning, programme is designed to effectively harness that inevitable spontaneous community response and augment the capacity of emergency responders to maximise their impact in saving lives.
To compliment the training, DART has developed TC Response Kits, designed to be strategically located or pre-positioned in areas likely to be impacted. The kits are scalable, ranging from smaller kits for response teams, to larger kits located in strategic hubs.
The kits include:
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Welcome to DART Solutions. We understand you are required to consistently deliver results in an ever increasingly complex, time and finance constrained environment, being expected to do more, sooner, with less. DART is here to help you get it done right, on time and within budget. DART focuses on providing unique, customised solutions because your requirements are unique.
DART is not a mainstream training business, nor do we intend to be. There are a multitude of businesses offering off-the-shelf products and packages. This is not the space we choose to operate in. DART operates at the sharp end of the sharp end. We are highly specialised, having a laser-focus on delivering our core business, emergency response capacity development, exceptionally well. When you have very real risks with the potential for catastrophic consequences, DART is your ‘go to’.
Welcome to DART Solutions. We understand you are required to consistently deliver results in an ever increasingly complex, time and finance constrained environment, being expected to do more, sooner, with less. DART is here to help you get it done right, on time and within budget. DART focuses on providing unique, customised solutions because your requirements are unique.
DART is not a mainstream training business, nor do we intend to be. There are a multitude of businesses offering off-the-shelf products and packages. This is not the space we choose to operate in. DART operates at the sharp end of the sharp end. We are highly specialised, having a laser-focus on delivering our core business, emergency response capacity development, exceptionally well. When you have very real risks with the potential for catastrophic consequences, DART is your ‘go to’.
DART has achieved consistent growth year-on-year, in an economically constrained environment where cut-outs and cut-backs continue to reach unprecedented levels. We have only managed to achieve this growth because we hold you, our most valued customers, at the centre of what we do. We rely on technology to manage our business but not our relationships. We believe in personalised service. Our greatest asset is the exceptional people who work with us. They bring decades of skill, knowledge and experience to our customers, delivered professionally, respectfully and enthusiastically. Without exception, they love what they do!
We also know that your time is very valuable and that you have choices. So, THANK YOU, for investing some of your valuable time in getting to know us a little better. We would love to get to know you so please feel very welcome to contact us.