Simulation Exercises.

All response agencies face challenges in preparing for low-frequency-high-impact events (e.g., tropical cyclones, earthquakes, tsunami’s, mass casualty incidents). Simulation exercises (SIMEX’s) are an effective teaching technique that replicate real-life incidents with immersive, interactive, low risk, facilitated and simulated scenarios. Studies have demonstrated that SIMEX’s enhance performance and reduce errors. They are an effective technique for developing participants knowledge, skills, experience and confidence. Participants are stressed but not overwhelmed, resulting in a constructive learning outcome.

Key competencies, such as communication (interpersonal; intra-agency; inter-agency), problem-solving, decision-making, teamwork and leadership are developed in a facilitated and controlled manner.

Our Simulation Exercise services include:

Field Exercises (FIELDEX):

Our FIELDEX’s simulate complex, “real-life”, incidents that incorporate all the key elements of a major response, including activation and mobilisation, inter-agency coordination, command and control, logistics, operational and tactical decision-making, technical operations, reporting, documentation and demobilisation.

The benefits of running FIELDEX’s include:

  • Improved consequence awareness
  • Increased knowledge retention
  • Rapid feedback mechanism
  • Perform high-risk activities (decision-making, operations) in a low/no risk environment
  • Facilitated intra/inter-agency cooperation
  • Scalable
  • Repeatable
  • Customisable
  • Outcome-focused debriefing

Virtual Exercises (VIRTEX)

Similar to our FIELDEX’s, our VIRTEX’s cover many of the same activities, however these are facilitated remotely on-line.

In addition to the benefits of a FIELDEX’s, VIRTEX’s also offer:

  • Enhanced time and cost effectiveness
  • Increased number of beneficiaries (Observers are able to “dial-in” to see and hear the interactions)
  • Highly customisable
  • Staged learning outcomes with sub-groups prior to bringing the larger group together

Tabletop Exercises (TTE):

Our Tabletop exercises are interactive, task-orientated sessions where team members act out their roles and responsibilities during a response to a particular emergency incident. These sessions are facilitator-guided, allowing for real-time feedback and corrective action. Our TTE’s are delivered virtually or in-person.

DART utilises SIMEX’s for the following purposes:

Designing structured learning experiences to address specific threats, risks and vulnerabilities

As an assessment tool to validate required competencies and requirements, e.g., INSARAG Guidelines, WHO Guidelines and SPHERE Standards

Validate organisational policy, process and standard operating procedures

Fulfil regulatory authority requirements, e.g., annual testing requirements

We develop your SIMEX’s in close consultation with you

Then we:

  • Facilitate the implementation of the SIMEX
  • Provide immediate feedback after key activities
  • Conduct a post-SIMEX debrief
  • Provide a comprehensive SIMEX report and verification of compliance
  • Comprehensive performance evaluation – this may be against an existing or predetermined set of criteria, e.g., INSARAG IEC/R Checklist
  • Recommendations for a corrective action plan
  • Recommended implementation schedule to ensure compliance and currency with relevant guidelines

Let us help you with your simulation exercise needs.

Welcome to DART Solutions. We understand you are required to consistently deliver results in an ever increasingly complex, time and finance constrained environment, being expected to do more, sooner, with less. DART is here to help you get it done right, on time and within budget. DART focuses on providing unique, customised solutions because your requirements are unique.

DART is not a mainstream training business, nor do we intend to be. There are a multitude of businesses offering off-the-shelf products and packages. This is not the space we choose to operate in. DART operates at the sharp end of the sharp end. We are highly specialised, having a laser-focus on delivering our core business, emergency response capacity development, exceptionally well. When you have very real risks with the potential for catastrophic consequences, DART is your ‘go to’.

Welcome to DART Solutions. We understand you are required to consistently deliver results in an ever increasingly complex, time and finance constrained environment, being expected to do more, sooner, with less. DART is here to help you get it done right, on time and within budget. DART focuses on providing unique, customised solutions because your requirements are unique.

DART is not a mainstream training business, nor do we intend to be. There are a multitude of businesses offering off-the-shelf products and packages. This is not the space we choose to operate in. DART operates at the sharp end of the sharp end. We are highly specialised, having a laser-focus on delivering our core business, emergency response capacity development, exceptionally well. When you have very real risks with the potential for catastrophic consequences, DART is your ‘go to’.

DART has achieved consistent growth year-on-year, in an economically constrained environment where cut-outs and cut-backs continue to reach unprecedented levels. We have only managed to achieve this growth because we hold you, our most valued customers, at the centre of what we do. We rely on technology to manage our business but not our relationships. We believe in personalised service. Our greatest asset is the exceptional people who work with us. They bring decades of skill, knowledge and experience to our customers, delivered professionally, respectfully and enthusiastically. Without exception, they love what they do!

We also know that your time is very valuable and that you have choices. So, THANK YOU, for investing some of your valuable time in getting to know us a little better. We would love to get to know you so please feel very welcome to contact us.

Trevor Glass